On May 26, 2011, at 5:03 PM, Israel Ben Guilherme Fonseca wrote:

> I saw that, but I'm not using a subquery in the from clause. Maybe I wasn't 
> clear enough. Example:
> outeruser = aliased(User)
> inneruser = aliased(User)
> innerselect = session.query(inneruser.id).filter(inneruser.id == 
> outeruser.id).subquery()
> At this point I already have a problem, the generated from clause is 
> something like:
> from user as user_2, user as user_1
> I didnt want the other user_2, because the filter statement is actually 
> referencing the user of the outerselect:
> outerselect = session.query(outeruser).filter(outeruser.id == innerselect)
> I expected that the innerselect referenced the id of the outer select.

oh then you're looking for correlation:

        innerselect = session.query(inneruser.id).filter(inneruser.id == 

        outerselect = session.query(outeruser).filter(outeruser.id == 

for some reason the Query is disabling auto-correlation upon subquery(), 
.statement or as_scalar().   Sort of wish I had noticed that before releasing 
0.7.   Will add a ticket to possibly change that default for 0.8, see you in a 

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