Sorry if I did not specified, yes it's InnoDB.

So do I HAVE to put `mysql_engine='InnoDB'` in any Table using
ondelete cascade?

Is there a link to docs with some info on it?

Thanks for your support

On May 30, 7:04 pm, virhilo <> wrote:
> You need to use InnoDB engine, so you tables definitions 'll look
> like:
> sensors = Table('sensors', metadata,
>     ...
>     mysql_engine='InnoDB'
>     )
> view_opts = Table('view_opts', metadata,
>     ...
>     mysql_engine='InnoDB'
>     )
> On 30 Maj, 17:38, neurino <> wrote:
> > I have a composite Primary key in a table and a relative Foreign Key
> > in another as:
> > sensors = Table('sensors', metadata,
> >     Column('id_cu', Integer, ForeignKey('',
> > ondelete='CASCADE'),
> >             primary_key=True, autoincrement=False),
> >     Column('id_meas', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False),
> >     ...
> >     )
> > view_opts = Table('view_opts', metadata,
> >     Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
> >     Column('id_view', Integer, ForeignKey('',
> > ondelete='CASCADE'),
> >             nullable=False),
> >     Column('id_cu', Integer, ForeignKey(''),
> > nullable=False),
> >     Column('id_meas', Integer, nullable=False),
> >     ForeignKeyConstraint(('id_cu', 'id_meas'),
> >                          ('sensors.id_cu', 'sensors.id_meas'),
> >                          ondelete='CASCADE'),
> >     ...
> >     )
> > mapped like this:
> > orm.mapper(Sensor, sensors,
> >     ....
> >     properties={
> >         'view_opts': orm.relationship(ViewOpt, backref='sensor',
> >             cascade='all, delete-orphan', passive_deletes=True,
> >             single_parent=True)
> >     })
> > Now when I delete a row from sensor relative view_opt rows are not
> > removed.
> > I can't understand if this depends on DDL, it's a MySQL bug, something
> > sqlalchemy related or whatever.
> > I know I set `passive_deletes=True`to get MySQL ONDELETE CASCADE take
> > care of it more and more quickly.
> > Any help appreciated, thanks for your support
> > neurino

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