On Jun 2, 2011, at 3:14 AM, Randy Syring wrote:

> Looks like I beat you to the answer by about 3 mins, thanks for
> answering though. :)
> I have a follow-up though.  The foreign key constraints are not
> getting created with "ON DELETE CASCADE" as expected.  I tried this in
> both MSSQL and Postgres.  Is this expected behavior?

yeah I don't think this aspect of the FK is reflected right now.    Plenty of 
room for that as a new feature of course....

> If so, is it possible to modify the FKs after they are reflected to
> set ondelete and onupdate as appropriate?  My test code:
> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/399307/
> And my output:
> CREATE TABLE blog_comments (
>       id INTEGER NOT NULL,
>       blog_id INTEGER,
>       CONSTRAINT blog_comments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
>       CONSTRAINT blog_comments_blog_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY(blog_id) REFERENCES
> blog (id)
> )
> It would seem to be a reflection issue though, b/c if I create a table
> manually, the "ON DELETE CASCADE" is added correctly.

I think if you went through the Table object's .constraints collection and 
looked for ForeignKeyConstraint objects you could set up the "onupdate" and 
"ondelete" attributes on them, sure.

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