Hi everybody,

After switching from SQLAlchemy 0.6.5 to 0.7.0 we have observed a
problem with such an example code:

(copy at http://ideone.com/WB36Y)
# Fails with Python-2.7.1 and SQLAlchemy-0.7.0

import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative

Base = sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base()

class LimitingQuery(sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query):
    def get(self, ident):
        # override get() so that the flag is always checked in the 
        # DB as opposed to pulling from the identity map. - this is
        return sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.get(self.populate_existing(),
    def __iter__(self):
        return sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.__iter__(self.private())

    def private(self):
        crit = (self._mapper_zero().class_.isDeleted == False)
        return self.enable_assertions(False).filter(crit)

engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo = False)

session = sqlalchemy.orm.scoped_session(
        bind = engine,
        autocommit = False,
        query_cls = LimitingQuery

Base.metadata.bind = engine

class Employee(Base):
    __tablename__ = "employees"
    Id = sqlalchemy.Column( sqlalchemy.types.Integer, primary_key=True,
    isDeleted = sqlalchemy.Column( sqlalchemy.types.Boolean(), default =
    name = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.types.String(128))
    managerId = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.types.Integer,
    manager = sqlalchemy.orm.relation(
        backref = sqlalchemy.orm.backref('subordinates', lazy =
        primaryjoin = managerId == Id,
        remote_side = Id


SteveBallmer = Employee(name = 'Steve Ballmer')
CraigMundie = Employee(name = 'Craig Mundie')
BillGates = Employee(name = 'Bill Gates')

session.add_all((SteveBallmer, CraigMundie, BillGates))

BillGates.subordinates = [SteveBallmer, CraigMundie]

# this line:
print BillGates.subordinates.count()
# raises:
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "count_problem.py", line 60, in <module>
#     print BillGates.subordinates.count()
#   File
 line 251, in count
#     return self._clone(sess).count()
#   File
 line 2123, in count
#     return self.from_self(col).scalar()
#   File
 line 1775, in scalar
#     ret = self.one()
#   File
 line 1744, in one
#     ret = list(self)
#   File "count_problem.py", line 17, in __iter__
#     return sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.__iter__(self.private())
#   File "count_problem.py", line 20, in private
#     crit = (self._mapper_zero().class_.isDeleted == False)
# AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'class_'

As far as I could debug it the problem starts when count() creates a new
query with the old one as a subquery (but I could very well be wrong).

A similar recipe can be found here:

Could you give me a hint about a proper way to do this?

Filip Zyzniewski

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