I have a select with a count on it. Count row is taken from another
related table so I can see how many items a user has. I want to filter
the results to select only those with items more than 5 let's say.

Sqlalchemy generates 2 queries for this. Placing a 'having' filter
gives an error but looking at the generated sql's the first query is
ok and working, only the second one gives an error. Can any1 say if
there's a way in forcing sqlqlchemy to only generate 1 query?

generated sql's:

SELECT (SELECT count(`items`.id) AS count_1
FROM `items`
WHERE `items`.user_id = user.id) AS `itemsCount`, user.id AS user_id
FROM user
HAVING itemsCount>5

SELECT count(1) AS count_1
    FROM user
HAVING itemsCount>5

and the error:

OperationalError: (OperationalError) (1054, "Unknown column
'itemsCount' in 'having clause'") 'SELECT count(1) AS count_1 \nFROM
user \nHAVING itemsCount>5' ()

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