Sorry, for the spamming, code typo (was trying to simplify it), should read:

      invoices = query(ArkInvoice).\
                filter( == id)

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 8:50 AM, Jules Stevenson
<> wrote:
> I don't think the info I sent last night was particularly clear,
> apologies it was late. The code for the classes is below:
> # ArkClient - clientprojectshot module
> orm.mapper(ArkClient, clients_table, properties={
>    'contacts':orm.relation(ArkContact,
>            backref='client'),
>    'projects':orm.relation(ArkProject,
>            backref='client',
>            cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan")
> })
> # ArkProject - clientprojectshot module
> orm.mapper(ArkProject, projects_table, properties={
>    'contacts': orm.relation(ArkContact,
>            secondary=project_contact_table,
>            backref='projects'),
>    'invoices':orm.relation(ArkInvoice,
>            backref='project',
>            cascade="all, delete"),
>    'shots':orm.relation(ArkShot,
>            backref='project',
>            cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan"),
>    'users':orm.relation(ArkUser,
>            backref='projects',
>            secondary=user_projects_primary_table)
> })
> # ArkInvoice - invoices module
> orm.mapper(ArkInvoice, invoices_table, properties={
>    'entries': orm.relation(ArkInvoiceEntry,
>            secondary=invoice_entries_primary_table,
>            backref='invoice',
>            cascade="all, delete"),
>    'user': orm.relation(ArkUser, backref='invoice'),
>    'child_invoices':orm.relation(ArkInvoice,
>            backref=backref('parent_invoice',
> remote_side=[]),
>            cascade="all",
>            lazy=False,
>            join_depth=3)
> })
> What I am trying to do is query the client of an invoice, and to do
> this I need to build a query something along the lines of:
> invoice > project > client, and filter by client, or at least I thnk I
> need to do this.
> So the current query code I have looks something like this:
>      invoices = query(ArkInvoice).\
>                join(ArkInvoice.project).\
>                join(ArkProject.client).\
> options(sa.orm.contains_eager(model.ArkInvoice.project.client)).\
>                filter( == id)
> But this doesn't work, and I've tried many variations around this
> theme with no joy. I'm clearly missing something fundamental, but I'm
> not sure what. Any pointers gratefully received.
> Many thanks,
> Jules
> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 9:56 PM, Jules Stevenson
> <> wrote:
>> sorry, hit the send button a little too soon.
>> Any help on the above much appreciated,
>> Jules

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