On Jun 9, 2011, at 5:10 PM, MikeCo wrote:

> This should recreate the same table, and will do so in 0.5. In 0.6 and
> 0.7 the default is rendered as DEFAULT A B without the single quote
> enclosing 'A B' leading to an OperationalError exception. The
> interesting thing is that if step 1 is done by creating a Table
> instance directly in the metadata, then the missing single quotes are
> generated correctly. It appears that the root cause is that when
> reflecting the table from sqlite (and maybe other databases as well)
> the the c.server_default.arg property is missing the single quotes in
> 0.6+, but the quotes are present in 0.5. I suspect that DDL generation
> blindly plugs in whatever is present in c.server_default.arg leading
> to the error.

The column inspection features of each backend tend to give to us the default 
value appropriately quoted.   The SQLite dialect itself is stripping out the 
quotes, most likely due to an artifact of 0.5's system which was inconsistent 
in its treatment of quoting around server defaults.

Narrowing down your test gives us:

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateTable

e = create_engine('sqlite:///', echo=True)
#e = create_engine('mysql://scott:tiger@localhost/test', echo=True)
#e = create_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test', echo='debug')

meta = MetaData(e)
dflt_tbl = Table('test_default', meta,
       Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
       Column('int_dflt', Integer, server_default=text(str(0))),
       Column('str_dflt', String(10), server_default=text("'A B'"))

m2 = MetaData(e)
t = Table("test_default", m2, autoload=True)

print CreateTable(dflt_tbl).compile(dialect=e.dialect)
print CreateTable(t).compile(dialect=e.dialect)

MySQL and PG both produce a table definition that maintains the default.   
SQLite's doesn't due to line 643 of base.py.

Here's a patch:

diff -r f9faaf09e7b7 lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/base.py
--- a/lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/base.py    Wed Jun 08 17:56:00 2011 -0400
+++ b/lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/base.py    Thu Jun 09 18:28:22 2011 -0400
@@ -637,10 +637,9 @@
             row = c.fetchone()
             if row is None:
-            (name, type_, nullable, default, has_default, primary_key) = 
(row[1], row[2].upper(), not row[3], row[4], row[4] is not None, row[5])
+            (name, type_, nullable, default, has_default, primary_key) = \
+                    (row[1], row[2].upper(), not row[3], row[4], row[4] is not 
None, row[5])
             name = re.sub(r'^\"|\"$', '', name)
-            if default:
-                default = re.sub(r"^\'|\'$", '', default)
             match = re.match(r'(\w+)(\(.*?\))?', type_)
             if match:
                 coltype = match.group(1)

this is ticket 2189 targeted at 0.7.2, mostly needs tests in this regard (since 
the quoting clearly isn't tested):


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