I'd like to use SqlSoup with an existing database that contains views.
Accessing a table goes swimmingly, but accessing a view results in
"PKNotFoundError: table '[viewname]' does not have a primary key

Do I correctly infer that SqlSoup does not work with database views (by
default, at least)? I've been unable to find anything directly relevant
on Google, SO, or the SqlAlchemy mailing list. If you were faced with
this, how would you proceed if you wanted to access non-updatable views?
I'm new to SQLAlchemy and SQLSoup.

Here's a specific example:

        from sqlalchemy.ext.sqlsoup import SqlSoup
        u = SqlSoup('postgresql+psycopg2://pub...@unison-db.org:5432/unison')
        seq = u.pseq.filter(u.pseq.pseq_id==76).all() # okay
        aliases = u.pseqalias.filter(u.pseqalias.pseq_id==76).all()
        PKNotFoundError: table 'pseqalias' does not have a primary key 
This is a public database. You can run the equivalent queries using

        psql -h unison-db.org -U PUBLIC -d unison -c 'select * from pseq where 
        psql -h unison-db.org -U PUBLIC -d unison -c 'select * from pseqalias 
where pseq_id=76'

This question is also posted at http://stackoverflow.com/q/6286704/342839


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