What a great explanation!

Thanks a lot,


On 15 Jun., 11:37, "King Simon-NFHD78"
<simon.k...@motorolasolutions.com> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com [mailto:sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com]
> > On Behalf Of Knack
> > Sent: 14 June 2011 18:43
> > To: sqlalchemy
> > Subject: [sqlalchemy] General questions of a newbee
> > Hi guys,
> > I've done some programming, but I'm new to RDBMS and ORMs. I've read
> > some documentation, but before diving in deeper and doing some
> > tutorials, I'm trying to understand what can be done with SQLAlchemy
> > and get a coarse understanding of how it works.
> > Imagine some tables which are all related (like 'created by') to a
> > user by a foreign key. If I query all tables by a certain user, I
> > assume SQLAlchemy loads and creates all objects which have references
> > in the column 'created by' to the certain user. Like a 'manual' eager
> > loading. If I use the objects properties to follow the relations,
> > does
> > SQLA need to perform any more DB accesses? Or are the referenced
> > objects directly referenced (maybe with properties that stores the
> > direct reference after resolving after the first call)?
> > How about backrefs? Would every call to those require a new SQL query
> > under the hood? Or are those 'stored' in the ORM after the first call?
> > I guess this would impact how to model parent-children relations. On
> > the one hand it seems like an easy life to me if the parents don't
> > need references to the children in the database, as children could be
> > added without modifing the parents. One the other hand, how's the
> > performance impact if you need to get the children by backref calls?
> SQLAlchemy gives you a lot of control over when related objects are
> accessed - the full details are 
> athttp://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/loading.html.
> When you configure a relationship between 2 classes, the default load
> behaviour is known as "lazy loading". This means that the related object
> will only be loaded when you first access the property on the parent.
> Once an object is loaded, it is stored in the SQLAlchemy session object.
> Subsequent requests for that same object (ie. same type and primary key)
> will get the object from the session rather than going to the database.
> That's not a very clear explanation - perhaps an example would help.
> Imagine you were modelling a blog, and you had Post items and User
> items. Posts have a 'created_by_id' foreign key to the User table, and a
> 'created_by' relationship which gives you the actual User object. Now
> imagine that you have 3 posts in the database, created by 2 different
> users.
> Here's what happens when you load all the posts and then access their
> 'created_by' property, in the default configuration.
>    posts = session.query(Post).all()
> ...runs something like 'SELECT * from post'
>    print posts[0].created_by
> ...SA looks at the created_by_id on posts[0], then checks to see if it
> already has a User with that id in the session. It doesn't, so it
> retrieves it from the database ("SELECT * from user where id = :id"),
> stores it in the session, and returns it to you.
>    print posts[1].created_by
> ...SA checks posts[1].created_by_id again. It is the same as
> posts[0].created_by_id. SA already has that user in the session, so it
> returns the same user without going to the database.
>   print posts[2].created_by
> ...this post was created by a different user, which isn't already in the
> session, so SA goes to the database again.
> The posts themselves have now been stored in the session, so if you
> wrote the following:
>   post = session.query(Post).get(1)
> ...SA would see that post 1 already exists in the session and not go
> back to the database. Note that this only works for the 'get' method -
> if you try to do any other kind of query, SA will still run the query.
> However, when it's reading the rows back, it will try to match those
> rows up with objects already in the session. If it finds a match, the
> instance from the session will be returned. This ensures that (for a
> given session) you will only ever have one instance representing a row
> in the database.
> If you were working with a large number of posts and users, it would be
> very inefficient to (potentially) run a new query for each post just to
> get the user that created it. SQLAlchemy allows you to request a
> different loading strategy:
>    posts = (session.query(Post)
>             .options(joinedload('created_by'))
>             .all())
> ...issues something like:
>    SELECT *
>    FROM post
>    LEFT JOIN user ON post.created_by_id = user.id
> ie. the users will be loaded in the same query as the posts. After this,
> SA will not need to go back to the database when you access the
> 'created_by' property, even the first time.
> Backrefs are not really any different from forward references, and the
> same conditions apply. I think there may be a slight caveat though. If
> you wrote:
>    posts = session.query(Post).all()
>    user = posts[0].created_by
>    print user.posts
> ...I don't think SA has any way of knowing that all the posts from the
> DB have been already been loaded into the session. It will run something
> like 'SELECT * from post where created_by_id = :user_id', before
> matching each row up with the Post instances that already exist in the
> session.
> I hope that helps,
> Simon

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