On Jun 20, 2011, at 1:02 AM, Carlos Mendoza wrote:

> Hi, I want to remove an association in many to many relation, but I
> don't want delete the related objects, just the association.
> If I have:
> ProjectUser = Table('PROJECT_USER', metadata,
>    Column('id_user', Integer, ForeignKey('USER.id_user')),
>    Column('id_project',Integer, ForeignKey('PROJECT.id_project')),
> )
> class Project(DeclarativeBase):
>    __tablename__ = 'PROJECT'
>    #{ Columns
>    id_project = Column(Integer, Sequence('id_project_seq'),
> primary_key=True)
>    name = Column(Unicode(25), nullable=False)
>    description = Column(Unicode(200), nullable=False)
>    #{ Relations
>    users = relation("Users", secondary=ProjectUser,
> backref=backref('projects',order_by=id_project))
> I append a user with:
> aProject.users.append(aUser)
> But, if I want to delete this association between aProject and aUser,
> how I must proceed?

When you use "secondary", the contents of the table marked by "secondary" are 
managed automatically upon next flush as you append or remove items from the 
"users" or "projects" collection, using append(), remove() or other collection 

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