I have a typical case where I want to ensure that datetime values sent
to the database are UTC, and values read from the database come back
as offset-aware UTC times.  I see several threads on the issue (eg:
http://goo.gl/FmdIJ is most relevant), but none address my question
that I can see.  UTC datetimes are what I'm working with, but not
really what the question is about (although hopefully the code may
help others looking for UTC stuff!).

I originally tried implementing this with a custom type (UTCDateTime)
where I did appropriate conversions on the data to/from the database.
That used code something like this:

That implementation worked well when creating new objects and
committing them, and worked well when querying for existing objects.
However, it failed when committing objects that I updated (query->make
a change->commit).  This is because the UTC conversion only happens on
commit, and some SQLAlchemy internals were doing a comparison on the
new value (naive datetime) and the old value (offset-aware datetime
from DB) and raising an exception.

When I realized that process_bind_param only happens on commit, I
decided to switch my strategy to simply confirming that all incoming
outgoing datetime values are offset-aware UTC using this simpler code:

but in order for that to work, I also needed to and start looking into
how to implement a setter on all of my datetime properties (there are
lots) that would do the UTC assignment/calculation.  I use declarative
mixins which seemed to make this more complicated, but a setter can be
set up using a solution something like this:

However, I have a LOT of properties to do this on and it would be far
better to do it at a single choke point like I initially tried.  So...
what I want is all assignments to a UTCEnforcedDateTime column/
property (self.start_date = x) to be converted to UTC at setting time,
not at commit time.  How do I do this?

I can't see how to do it in the docs (coerce_compared_value was
initially tempting but not a fit)/  Digging into it manually I see
that the existing auto-instrumentation of my UTCEnforcedDateTime dips
through InstrumentedAttribute, ScalarAttributeImp, etc, but I can't
locate a good hook point to put my "fixing" code for non-UTC

Does anyone have any recommendations?

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