On Jul 6, 2011, at 10:03 AM, ddarko wrote:

> t = Session.query(Tests).get(1)
> print(t.array)
> t.array.append(1)
> Session.commit()
> t.array - is an int. array in postgresql
> This simple construction does not change the content of the list after
> commit, and it seems to me that it should.
> Of course t.array = t.array + [1] works correctly.

mutable types are not tracked automatically.

Please see http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/extensions/mutable.html for 
information on building a list type that tracks mutations and sends change 
events (we don't have one built-in yet).

As a deprecated, poorly performing alternative, the mutable=True flag on the 
ARRAY type can be turned on.

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