
I'm currently writing my own version of the "magic" orm. I'd like it
to generate id columns automatically. I tried it like shown below.

When using the code I get an exception:

ArgumentError: Mapper Mapper|Version|version could not assemble any
primary key columns for mapped table 'Join object on content(55261328)
and version(64443600)'

The problem seems to be in the WithId metaclass. When I put an id =
Column(... primary = true) by hand on the Version class everything
works. I was expecting the metaclass to do the same, but apparently
there must be some difference,

Any idea how I can make the Base/Content/Version classes have id
columns (which work with polymorphism) automatically? I'd like to stay
away from mixin class all over the place.



class WithId(DeclarativeMeta):
    def __init__(cls,classname, bases, dict_):
        if 'id' not in dict_:
            dict_['id'] = Column('id', Integer,
ForeignKey('content.id'), primary_key=True)
        DeclarativeMeta.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_)

Base = declarative_base(metaclass=WithId)

class Content(db.Base):
    id = db.Column('id', db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    type = db.Column(db.String(250))

    def get_class_name(cls):
        '''Convert CamelCase class name to underscores_between_words
        table name.'''
        name = cls.__name__
        return (
            name[0].lower() +
            re.sub(r'([A-Z])', lambda m:"_" + m.group(0).lower(),

    def __tablename__(cls):
        return cls.get_class_name()

    def __mapper_args__(cls):
        args = { 'polymorphic_identity' : cls.get_class_name() }
        ContentClass = cls.__bases__[-1]
        if ContentClass is db.Base:
            args['polymorphic_on'] = cls.type
            args['inherit_condition'] = (cls.id == ContentClass.id)
        return args

class Version(Content):
    timestamp = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now)
    message = Column(UnicodeText)
    #author = attribute(User, backref =

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