On Jul 28, 2011, at 11:47 AM, Kent Tenney wrote:

>> It offers "choices" in that you can A. use core only or B. the ORM, as well 
>> as "choices" in that it works with whatever kind of schema you'd like,
> I'll be studying doc for a better idea of the A/B distinction, as
> well as what kinds of schemas there are.
> I have the O'Reilly book, I understand SA has changed considerably
> since then, am I better off sticking with current doc?

Yes unfortunately the OReilly book, written against version 0.3 which was an 
early developmental stage for SQLAlchemy, will steer you more in the wrong 
direction today than anything, and we lack the resources to complete a new book 
which has been under contract for some time now.

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