Thanks for your answer Michael.

I experimented with column_property and generally it works, however
now I have 2 separate attributes - one for setting a value and
another, read-only one, for reading the modified value.

class User(Base):
    email = sa.Column(String)

    def validate_email(self, key, value):
        return sa.func.lower(value)

    email_upper = column_property(sa.func.upper(email))

Is there a way to have just a single field which looks like a normal
attribute, but performs some processing on the database side on the
way in and out? What I'm looking for is: = ""
    session.flush()"SELECT email FROM users WHERE name='Lennon'))
    # returns "" - just to illustrate that it's
stored lower-case in the database
    user = session.query(User).filter(...).one()
    # prints ""

I was able to achieve something similar using a property:

class User(Base):
    _email = Column("email", String)

    def email(self):
        return object_session(self)\

    def email(self, value):
        self._email = object_session(self)\

- but obviously the "email" attribute is not loaded "inline" -
instead, a separate query is issued each time the attribute is
accessed. Also, the _email attribute IS loaded and then sent back to
the server, which sort of undermines the idea of database-side

On Jul 28, 2:06 pm, Michael Bayer <> wrote:
> On Jul 27, 2011, at 8:56 PM, Sergey V. wrote:
> > Good day,
> > I'm trying to figure out how to do something similar to the Symmetric
> > Encryption recipe (
> > SymmetricEncryption), only on the database side, not in Python.
> > I have a suspicion that @compiles decorator may provide a solution,
> > but having trouble understaning how to apply it to my case.
> > For simplicity, let's imagine a field which stores data in upper case
> > but always returns it in lower case... so it needs to generate SQL
> > similar to
> > "INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (..., upper(...), ...)"
> this can be assigned, (1) i.e.
> myobject.fieldname = func.upper(somename)    
> which you can apply with a @validates decorator  (2)
> > on insert and
> > "SELECT ..., lower(fieldname) as fieldname, ... FROM tablename"
> for this you'd use column_property().  (3)
> for the SQL functions themselves we're using func (4)
> 1:
> 2:
> 3:
> 4:
> For a slightly old example of some of this kind of thing (probably more 
> complicated than you'd need here), see the PostGIS example under 
> examples/postgis/.

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