I'm using SA (with SQLite) with a schema like:

A -< B -< C -< D

where -< means that the tables have a one to many relationship

I'm populating  a sample data set where there are 25 rows in A, 25 rows in B 
for each row in A, 25 rows in C for each row in B and 25 rows in D for each row 
in C.  This results in about 390k rows in D.  The database itself is only about 
12 MB, but it takes a long time (several minutes) to write the data to the file.

I'm taking the approach of appending items to the table's relationship column.

for i in range(25):
        x = A()
                for j in range(25):
                        y = B()
                        for k in range(25):
                                z = C()
                                for  l in range(25):
                                        xx = D()

The bulk of the delay seems to be the session.flush call.

I'm using the Pyramid framework which used Python's transaction module.  I call 
transaction.begin() prior to adding the rows. According to the SQLite FAQ, this 
should speed things up.

Are there any suggestions on how to speed things up?


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