On Aug 5, 2011, at 1:36 PM, Mark Erbaugh wrote:

> In my application, some tables have several fields that need to have the same 
> type and default value, i.e.:
> field1 = Column(Integer, default=2)
> field2 = Column(Integer, default=2)
> ...
> Is there some way to refactor the Common(Integer, default=2), short of 
> creating a custom column type?  I could see the possibility that in a future 
> version of the application, I would want to globally change the column type 
> or default value for all these fields at once.
> So far, I've come up with creating a function that returns the column.
> def common_field():
>       return Column(Integer, default=2)
> field1 = common_field()
> field2 = common_field()
> Is there a better way?

What's the issue with using a function to generate a Column of a certain 
pre-determined configuration (what are functions in a procedural language for 
if not this) ?  

FTR I use functions to generate prefab Column objects all the time and they are 
also intrinsic to the example application I've created for the SQLAlchemy book 
project (which is on a somewhat indefinite schedule at the moment, unless 
someone wants to help write) .

If the issue is that these tables need to have a certain series of completely 
fixed columns, i.e. same names and everything, here are a series of approaches 
for that depending on what you're doing.

1. Regular declarative ?  Use declarative mixins. 

class MyMixin(object):
     updated_at = Column(DateTime, onupdate=datetime.utcnow)

2. if I am using Table metadata directly (i.e. with declarative, __table__ = 
Table(....)), I'd typically use a function around Table:

def standard_table(*args, **kw):
    return Table(*(args + [_standard_table_cols()]), **kw)

3. For all tables, use events:

@event.listens_for(Table, "after_parent_attach")
def _table_standard_cols(table, metadata):
    table.append_column(Column(DateTime, onupdate=datetime.utcnow))

4. Certain classes of tables...there's probably a nice way to combine the table 
events with a subset of table classes.   (tries...success !)

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateTable
import datetime

class TableWithUTC(Table):

@event.listens_for(TableWithUTC, "after_parent_attach")
def _add_col(table, metadata):
    table.append_column(Column('updated_at', DateTime, 

m = MetaData()

t1 = Table('t1', m, Column('x', Integer))
t2 = TableWithUTC('t2', m, Column('x', Integer))
t3 = TableWithUTC('t3', m, Column('x', Integer))
t4 = Table('t4', m, Column('x', Integer))

assert t2.c.updated_at is not None
assert 'updated_at' not in t4.c

for name in 't1', 't2', 't3', 't4':
    print CreateTable(m.tables[name])

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