Hi all,

I am building some CRUD pages for a Pyramid web app, and encountered some 
(from my point of view as a SQLAlchemy novice) strange behaviour. The UI 
sends an ID and inside the controller I'd like to delete the corresponding 
record. I use SQL expressions inside a session for this. The delete 
statement is correctly built and executed, but the record is still in the 
A code snippet to test this follows. I have 7 records in the DB, and the 
first count says 7. After the delete, the count correctly says 6, but still 
the db has 7 records. Even an explicit transaction.commit() does not help.

    DbSession = 
    sess = DbSession()
    qry = select([func.count(trm.c.id)])
    total = sess.execute(qry).scalar()
    print "Total:", total

    qdel = trm.delete().where(trm.c.id == 1)

    total = sess.execute(qry).scalar()
    print "Total:", total


Hopefully, anybody here can help me out. Thanks in advance.

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