
I am using SQLAlchemy 0.5.6 with PostgreSQL 8.4 database. The database contains 
two tables Job and User with user_id as a foreign key in the Job table. I am 
trying to do a join-query between these two tables as follows: 

... <snip>

Job = Table('job', metadata, autoload=True)
User = Table('user', metadata, autoload=True)

# for each line in the job id file - find id, time and corresponding user's 
for line in f:
        for j in session.query(Job,User).filter(Job.c.job_runner_external_id == 
                print j.id, j.job_runner_external_id, j.create_time, 
j.update_time, j.email


I am trying to filter results that match particular job_runner_external_id and 
join Job and User tables based user_id foreign key in Job table. The Job and 
User tables have following column names common - id, create_time and 
update_time. The returning query results contain id , create_time and 
update_time from User table and not the Job table. 

I tried specifying two temporary row-tuple variables (not sure whether that's 
correct way to describe it) in the for loop as shown below, but that didn't 
        for j, u in session.query(Job,User).filter(Job.c.job_runner_external_id 
== line.rstrip).filter(Job.c.user_id==User.c.id):


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./query_sge_killed_jobs_adv.py", line 42, in ?
    for j,u in session.query(Job,User).filter(Job.c.job_runner_external_id == 
ValueError: too many values to unpack

Am I missing some really basic concept here? Any help?


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