On Aug 24, 2011, at 10:04 AM, limodou wrote:

> finally I found the problem. In my case I build my own ORM based on
> sqlalchemy, I call it "uliorm". And it only use base select, update,
> insert, delete statements. And in order to keep the whole process can
> share the same connection object, I used the
> engin.contextual_connect() to get the default connection, and my logic
> same like this:
> db = create_engine(xxx, pool_recycle=7200)
> conn = db.contextual_connect()
> db.begin()
> try:
>    try:
>        db.execute(yyyy)
>        db.commit()
>    except:
>        db.rollback()
> finally:
>    conn.close()
> But it seems that the conn is not close correctly, so the pool will
> not recycle it.

That has to be a "threadlocal" engine, based on the "begin()/rollback/commit" 
methods available, so the connection stays open until close() is called on db 
as well.   db.closed will tell you if its closed.

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