On Sep 28, 2011, at 9:45 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

> Also, there are type-based validations, fine, string, numeric, integer, 
> dates, including length of strings.   If someone throws on postgresql.INET, 
> not really, unless the contract of TypeEngine objects is extended such that 
> they *all* get in-python validation functions.  Which is really, really 
> redundant, as DBAPIs do that most of the time.  Very heavyhanded for very 
> little use - we definitely don't want these validations turned on all the 
> time as they'd kill performance unnecessarily.  String length in particular, 
> we have to deal with unicode conversions before checking length, some 
> databases store unicode as "number of chars" others as "number of encoded 
> bytes", it's complicated, and entirely redundant vs. what the database 
> already does.

OK, you've convinced me. I hadn't taken those cases into consideration; they 
don't come up much in the stuff I'm working with. For the record, though (in 
case anyone ever Googles this and wonders what I was thinking), I never thought 
of this as a mandatory behavior but as something that would be there if you 
wanted to use it, like:

>>> from sqlalchemy import getvalidationerrors
>>> newobj = MyClass(column1='foo', column2='bar')
>>> for error in getvalidationerrors(newobj): [...]

Anyway, thanks for the pointers to a workable ad-hoc approach.

- Kirk

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