On Oct 2, 2011, at 10:27 AM, Vlad K. wrote:

> Ah, a solution just came to me. If I had 10 categories and denormalized the 
> user_id into them, I can reverse the queries and do only 10 selects, filtered 
> by user_id and joined with the master table on pkey. I'd end up with equal 
> number of rows selected, but only 10 queries issued. The denormalized user_id 
> would not pose any problems and I can cascade updates and deletes via master 
> table, which is in cascade from the users table.

You can do that, or put all ten queries together into a UNION.  That's what the 
polymorphic_union() function can produce for you, mentioned here: 
  .     It says "concrete table inheritance" but it can be used for joined-inh 
models as well, in conjunction with the whole "with_polymoprhic" system.   

The other way as you can see in the docs there is to OUTER JOIN to all the 
tables, which depending on various things may or may not be more/less 
efficient/easy than the UNION approach.

> Thoughts?
> .oO V Oo.
> On 10/02/2011 04:12 PM, Vlad K. wrote:
>> I have an impedance mismatch problem, namely a model in X categories, each 
>> having its own set of fields and all having a set of common fields. I solved 
>> that with:
>> 1. "master" table, contains the sequenced pkey and common fields, as well as 
>> "category" discriminator
>> 2. individual category tables with fields specific to that category, and 
>> foreign key pkey to the master table.
>> I've been reading on the Joined Table Inheritance and this seems like a 
>> right way to do it, however I'm not quite sure I can use SQLAlchemy's 
>> polymorphic patterns. Here's why.
>> When I create new model of certain category I of course know which category 
>> it is, so that's not the problem. But when the system queries the model (a 
>> model) by ID, it does not know in advance which category it belongs to. So 
>> whatever I do I am forced to do two queries, first to the master table and 
>> then to the proper category table. AFAIK this is the only way to do it 
>> unless there's some SQL trick that can join tablename dynamically based on 
>> column value (and I don't mean triggers)?
>> Anyways, the problem I'm having is when I query the whole set. Each 
>> master-category "pair" belongs to a user, and I have to query ALL the models 
>> that belong to the user. So I end up querying everything from the master 
>> table that belongs to that user, and then FOR EACH, load up the belonging 
>> category model from appropriate category table. This means that if I had 10k 
>> rows, I'd have to issue 10k selects, next to the master select to pull in 
>> all 10k master table rows (and from what I ready psycopg2 can't yield, it 
>> has to buffer them all).
>> Thankfully, these kinds of queries are not done on user demand (realtime web 
>> experience), but within an automated dispatch system nightly (dump to xml), 
>> but still I'm concerned that I'm doing something wrong if I have to issue 
>> 10k selects for single user, having few hundred users in the system!
>> Am I missing some design pattern here? Should I simply go big table 
>> denormalize?
>> The backend is PostgreSQL 9.0.
>> Thanks!
> -- 
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