This is a problem that would need to be solved mostly on the cx_oracle side, 
then using standard SQLAlchemy APIs to implement.

Some googling didn't turn up a definitive answer if a single OCI connection can 
persist, while its underlying "session" is killed.  I found but this doesn't seem 
like something you can call regularly.

As for cx_oracle itself, it offers the opposite behavior, that you can "pool" 
sessions using a SessionPool:

and also the usage of Sessions can be customized when a new connection is 

Once you decide how you'd like connections to cx_oracle to occur, the venues 
you have in SQLAlchemy for this are:

1. Disable SQLAlchemy connection pooling using NullPool.  If you can get 
cx_oracle's connect()  method to do what you want as far as pooling, you can 
turn of the pool on the SQLAlchemy side using NullPool.

2. Use a creator function - if you need to use special form when calling 
cx_oracle.connect(), a creator function will allow you to plug into the Engine 
how cx_oracle connections are established.

3. Use pool events to emit commands when connections are checked out or checked 
in.   If you need to emit some SQL or cx_oracle commands on the DBAPI 
connection upon checkout or checkin, the Engine provides pool events which 
accomplish this.  They work with NullPool as well as the regular QueuePool.

You should first get some help for cx_oracle specifically, their list is at .    There, just 
ask them about how to do what you're looking for at the cx_oracle level 
directly.   If you mention SQLAlchemy it will scare them away :).

Then come back over here and we can connect up their recommendations with the 
SQLAlchemy API.

On Oct 3, 2011, at 1:42 PM, Andrew wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> We're using SQLAlchemy 0.6.6 and cx_Oracle 5.0.1, and our DBAs have
> raised a concern about the number of sessions being kept open (where a
> session is an Oracle concept, and a connection is on the socket).
> We'd like to be able to keep the connection persistent, but we'd like
> to be able to create a _new_session_ when a session is checked out
> from the pool, rather than keep the same exact session open.  That is,
> I'd like the pool to be made up of connections, not of sessions.  This
> would enable the DBAs to perform statistics gathering and debugging on
> sessions, which is something that they use fairly extensively.
> Is there a way to do this with configuration?  Is this even possible
> using SQLAlchemy, or is this a limitation of cx_Oracle?
> Thanks for your help.  You guys are always extremely helpful!
> Andrew
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