Thanks, this worked in UserStratigraphy class:

def add_user_layers(self, key, id_str):
    for layer in DBSession.query(BaseLayer) \
        user_layer = UserLayer()
        user_layer.user_stratigraphy = self
        user_layer.layer = layer
    return id_str

> and  yes, it has always been a restriction that the Session cannot be
reliably manipulated from inside the flush procedure.

I had no doubt, honeslty, I was coming from an old project using
Now, being deprecated, I just tried `event.listen` as a replacement.

Thanks again for your support

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Michael Bayer <>wrote:

> On Oct 4, 2011, at 9:37 AM, neurino wrote:
> > Hi Michael,
> >
> > the reason is Parent does not know its children until another
> relationship is set (`id_str` in the code above).
> >
> > Consider this form validation part:
> >
> > if form.validate():
> >     user_strat = form.bind(UserStratigraphy())
> >
> > I cannot bind prior creating an instance and this is quite a common
> situation.
> >
> > I can always go with manual adds of course but...
> manual is never required for something that follows a repeatable rule -
> it's just mapper events are the worst place to do things, and yes, it has
> always been a restriction that the Session cannot be reliably manipulated
> from inside the flush procedure.   You can add event listeners to the
> relationship in question using @validates, which then apply the
> corresponding extra objects.   I'd still keep this at the object level.   As
> a fallback, you'd hit it with the before_flush event.    An eventual feature
> for "before_flush" is to break it into sub-events that can be limited to
> certain classes and statuses, but this is very easy to roll manually doing a
> simple "[obj for obj in session.dirty if isinstance(obj, MyClass)]" for now.
> --
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