I'm fairly new to SQLAlchemy so I want to double-check this before filing 
what I think is a bug against SQLAlchemy 0.7.

Consider a plain, declarative-mapped object:

class Table(Base):
  __tablename__ = 'table'
  id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)

Now consider code to retrieve this item:

function test_identity_map():
  db=Session()  # scoped_session(sessionmaker(...))
  for x in range(5):
    print "%d: %s" % (x, db.query(Table).get(1))

If I create a MSSQL engine with a connection string prefix of 
'mssql+pyodbc://', set 'echo' to True, populate the table with a single item 
with an id of '1' and call the test function, five separate SQL statements 
are echoed to the console. However, if I repeat the process using the SQLite 
in-memory engine ('sqlite:///:memory:'), only one SQL statement is echoed to 
the console.

I believe the mssql/pyodbc engine is not caching the item in the identity 
map. Could it be that the behaviour of 'echo=True' when supplied to 
create_engine differs between engine types, such that SQL is always echoed 
for the mssql engine, and the item is retrieved from the identity map anyway 
(I haven't checked whether the calls are actually emitted to the database, 
but the timing information leads me to believe they are)? Or could there be 
some other configuration setting I've overlooked? Could it be that I'm using 
FreeTDS on linux for the ODBC layer? Stores/retrievals otherwise work just 
fine. I've looked through the dialect code and can't find anything that 
might affect this. Am I missing something? I'm going to dig into the session 
identity map code now to see what I can find, but I'd appreciate it if 
anyone already knows where I'm going wrong.

Many thanks,

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