There are two tables pump and curve. The curve table has three fields, 
curve_pn, head and gpm. The design is that the rows with the same curve_pn 
value represent x,y points (head,gpm) on a pump performance curve. Each row in 
the pump table has a curve_pn column that links to the performance curve for 
that pump. The same performance curve can apply to multiple pumps.

To me it seems that there is a many-many relationship, yet there is no 
association table.  This design works fine in straight SQL. To model it in 
SQLAlchemy, do I need to add an association table?  For the purposes of this 
application, the data is read-only, but if it were not, if the data for a curve 
were to change, I would want it to change for all the pumps that use that 


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