               I am working in eclipse IDE. 
               I have this code in the file :

                                class User(Base):
                __tablename__ = 'users'
                id = Column('user_id',Integer,primary_key = True)
                name = Column('user_name',String(20))
                addresses = relationship("Address")
                def __repr__(self):
                return "<User(%s)>" % self.name
                                session = Session(bind=engine)
                                print u.id

                    I ran this file and it worked fine but then I changed 
                    Now to see the effect I have to run file again and then I 
noticed this

                    Instead of adding two different objects with two different 
ids but same name. It simply updated the id of already existing object.

                  Now I have two questions :

        1. What is the reason of this behavior? First of all it should have 
made two different objects . But I think it did not do that because it thought 
this object is similar to existing one. In that case it should have raised 
exception instead of simply my primary key.

        2. WHat happened when I ran the file again? It created a brand new 
session or continued the previous one?

        3. Due to problem mentioned in point no 1. it wasted my early id nos as 
when I committed it saved the last one?

I know there is something that I am missing here as I am just a beginner in 

Thanks in advance.

Manav Goel

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