I found that the following works.  I'm wondering if there's a better way.

    def _add_insert_default_values(self, kwargs):
        for col in self._table.c.keys():
            default = self._table.c[col].default
            if default is not None and default.is_scalar:
                if col not in kwargs:
                    kwargs[col] = default.arg

On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Roger Hoover <roger.hoo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use the sqlalchemy compiler to generate insert statements
> that I can feed myself to MySQLdb.  With a sqlalchemy table definition, I'm
> able to get a nice SQL statement using the following.
> query =
> str(table.insert().values(**kwargs).compile(dialect=MySQLDialect(paramstyle='pyformat')))
> However, if the table has literal default values for any of the columns,
> those column names end up in the generated SQL statement as variables even
> if kwargs does not contain that key .   How can I get a dict of the literal
> keys to merge with ones passed in when I execute the query?
> Example:
> Table('fubar', metadata,
>             Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>             Column('status_id', Integer, nullable=False, default=1),
>             Column('modified', DateTime, default=func.current_timestamp(),
> onupdate=func.current_timestamp()),
>             Column('created', DateTime, default=func.current_timestamp()),
>             mysql_engine='InnoDB'
>         )
> produces
> INSERT INTO fubar (status_id, modified, created) VALUES (%(status_id)s,
> I need to get a dict of literal defaults from somewhere so that I can pass
> in {'status_id': 1} to cursor.execute()
> Thanks,
> Roger

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