
I have two models, A and B. Model B contains two foreign keys into table A, because it is a "comparator" model that describes certain logical interaction between two A models. However, I want model B to contain a relationship to both so I can access them through the model B instance:

class ModelB(Base):
    __tablename__ = ...

    id_b = ... # primary
    some_comparison_data = ...

main_model_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("models_a.id_a", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade")) duplicate_model_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("models_a.id_a", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade"))

main_model = relationship("ModelA", foreign_keys=[ ??? ], lazy="joined") duplicate_model = relationship("ModelA", foreign_keys=[ ??? ], lazy="joined")

ModelA has no keys back to B, this is basically a "one-to-two" relationship from B to A.

Now as you can see I don't know what to specify for foreign keys. I tried with foreign_keys=[main_model_id] and foreign_keys=[duplicate_model_id] but it complains it couldn't determine join condition and that I should use primaryjoin. Evenso I wouldn't know how to use it because I don't know what to specify: class variable? a string? The examples in the docs are not for declarative...



.oO V Oo.

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