Hi there :).

Running into a bit of trouble trying to grasp how to manipulate
association objects properly.

I've really got two separate questions, but hopefully it's clear enough
that I can ask them both properly.

Given the following example:

class Event(Base):
    name = Column(Unicode, primary_key=True)
    date = Column(Date)

    locations = association_proxy("location_occurences", "location")

class Location(Base):
    address = Column(Unicode, primary_key=True)

    events = association_proxy("event_occurences", "event")

class EventOccurence(Base):
    event_name = Column(Unicode, ForeignKey("event.name"))
    address = Column(Unicode, ForeignKey("location.address"))
    successful = Column(Boolean)

    event = relationship(Event,
            cascade="all, delete-orphan",

    location = relationship(Location,
            cascade="all, delete-orphan",

So, when searching, I see some results that seem to ask this question,
though none of the solutions are for recent versions of sqlalchemy, so,
I may as well just ask :): how could I have Location.events be
order_by'd via Event.date?

Secondly, I haven't been able to find an answer for this, but, I see
that you can configure the association_proxy to use a dict-like
structure, but it's always keyed by some other unique column on the
association object.


But how could I use the actual other *model* as the key and another
column on the association object as the value. To make it clearer, I'd

>>> some_location.events
{<Event: Gala Ball> : True, <Event: Other Thing> : False}

>>> some_location["New Event"] = False
>>> some_location.events
{..., <Event: New Event> : False}

Where the values are the `successful` column on the association object,
and the (hypothetical) creator used the event objects as the keys, not
as the example on that page uses them as the values.

Thanks, sorry for being wordy :),

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