Happy Friday all -

SQLAlchemy 0.7.4 is released.   This is the latest and greatest, the version of 
SQLAlchemy that I would choose above all others.   Along with the recent 
release of the new migrations tool,  Alembic, you guys should be all humming 
along very nicely with your databases at this point !

SQLAlchemy 0.7.4 has an unusually high number of new features and about thirty 
bugfixes.   The most notable feature is that we finally added support for 
UPDATE..FROM.   Other interesting features include a new Hybrid pattern, some 
new schema capabilities, and much better support for customized polymorphic_on 
schemes.    There have also been lots and lots of documentation enhancements 
and improvements, as we continue to fully update every docstring to be 
up-to-date, accurate, and readable (there's many more to go, please bear with 
us !)

SQLAlchemy 0.7.4 can be downloaded at:


Changlog to follow.

- orm
  - [bug] Fixed backref behavior when "popping" the 
    value off of a many-to-one in response to 
    a removal from a stale one-to-many - the operation
    is skipped, since the many-to-one has since
    been updated.  [ticket:2315]

  - [bug] After some years of not doing this, added
    more granularity to the "is X a parent of Y" 
    functionality, which is used when determining
    if the FK on "Y" needs to be "nulled out" as well
    as if "Y" should be deleted with delete-orphan
    cascade.   The test now takes into account the
    Python identity of the parent as well its identity 
    key, to see if the last known parent of Y is
    definitely X.   If a decision
    can't be made, a StaleDataError is raised.  The
    conditions where this error is raised are fairly
    rare, requiring that the previous parent was
    garbage collected, and previously
    could very well inappropriately update/delete
    a record that's since moved onto a new parent,
    though there may be some cases where 
    "silent success" occurred previously that will now 
    raise in the face of ambiguity.
    Expiring "Y" resets the "parent" tracker, meaning
    X.remove(Y) could then end up deleting Y even 
    if X is stale, but this is the same behavior
    as before; it's advised to expire X also in that 
    case.  [ticket:2264]

  - [bug] fixed inappropriate evaluation of user-mapped
    object in a boolean context within query.get()
    [ticket:2310].  Also in 0.6.9.

  - [bug] Added missing comma to PASSIVE_RETURN_NEVER_SET
    symbol [ticket:2304]

  - [bug] Cls.column.collate("some collation") now
    works.  [ticket:1776]  Also in 0.6.9

  - [bug] the value of a composite attribute is now
    expired after an insert or update operation, instead
    of regenerated in place.  This ensures that a 
    column value which is expired within a flush
    will be loaded first, before the composite
    is regenerated using that value.  [ticket:2309]

  - [bug] The fix in [ticket:2309] also emits the
    "refresh" event when the composite value is
    loaded on access, even if all column
    values were already present, as is appropriate.
    This fixes the "mutable" extension which relies
    upon the "load" event to ensure the _parents 
    dictionary is up to date, fixes [ticket:2308].
    Thanks to Scott Torborg for the test case here.

  - [bug] Fixed bug whereby a subclass of a subclass
    using concrete inheritance in conjunction with
    the new ConcreteBase or AbstractConcreteBase
    would fail to apply the subclasses deeper than
    one level to the "polymorphic loader" of each
    base  [ticket:2312]

  - [bug] Fixed bug whereby a subclass of a subclass
    using the new AbstractConcreteBase would fail
    to acquire the correct "base_mapper" attribute
    when the "base" mapper was generated, thereby
    causing failures later on.  [ticket:2312]

  - [bug] Fixed bug whereby column_property() created
    against ORM-level column could be treated as
    a distinct entity when producing certain
    kinds of joined-inh joins.  [ticket:2316]

  - [bug] Fixed the error formatting raised when 
    a tuple is inadvertently passed to session.query()
    [ticket:2297].  Also in 0.6.9.

  - [bug] Calls to query.join() to a single-table
    inheritance subclass are now tracked, and
    are used to eliminate the additional WHERE..
    IN criterion normally tacked on with single
    table inheritance, since the join should
    accommodate it.  This allows OUTER JOIN
    to a single table subclass to produce
    the correct results, and overall will produce
    fewer WHERE criterion when dealing with 
    single table inheritance joins.

  - [bug] __table_args__ can now be passed as 
    an empty tuple as well as an empty dict.
    [ticket:2339].  Thanks to Fayaz Yusuf Khan
    for the patch.

  - [bug] Updated warning message when setting
    delete-orphan without delete to no longer
    refer to 0.6, as we never got around to 
    upgrading this to an exception.  Ideally
    this might be better as an exception but
    it's not critical either way.  [ticket:2325]

  - [feature] polymorphic_on now accepts many
    new kinds of values:

      - standalone expressions that aren't
        otherwise mapped
      - column_property() objects
      - string names of any column_property()
        or attribute name of a mapped Column

    The docs include an example using 
    the case() construct, which is likely to be
    a common constructed used here.
    [ticket:2345] and part of [ticket:2238]

    Standalone expressions in polymorphic_on
    propagate to single-table inheritance
    subclasses so that they are used in the
    WHERE /JOIN clause to limit rows to that
    subclass as is the usual behavior.

  - [feature] IdentitySet supports the - operator
    as the same as difference(), handy when dealing 
    with Session.dirty etc. [ticket:2301]

  - [feature] Added new value for Column autoincrement
    called "ignore_fk", can be used to force autoincrement
    on a column that's still part of a ForeignKeyConstraint.
    New example in the relationship docs illustrates
    its use.

  - [bug] Fixed bug in get_history() when referring
    to a composite attribute that has no value;
    added coverage for get_history() regarding 
    composites which is otherwise just a userland

- sql
   - [bug] related to [ticket:2316], made some 
     adjustments to the change from [ticket:2261]
     regarding the "from" list on a select(). The
     _froms collection is no longer memoized, as this
     simplifies various use cases and removes the 
     need for a "warning" if a column is attached
     to a table after it was already used in an 
     expression - the select() construct will now
     always produce the correct expression.
     There's probably no real-world
     performance hit here; select() objects are 
     almost always made ad-hoc, and systems that 
     wish to optimize the re-use of a select()
     would be using the "compiled_cache" feature.
     A hit which would occur when calling select.bind
     has been reduced, but the vast majority
     of users shouldn't be using "bound metadata"
     anyway :).

   - [feature] The update() construct can now accommodate
     multiple tables in the WHERE clause, which will
     render an "UPDATE..FROM" construct, recognized by 
     Postgresql and MSSQL.  When compiled on MySQL,
     will instead generate "UPDATE t1, t2, ..".  MySQL
     additionally can render against multiple tables in the
     SET clause, if Column objects are used as keys
     in the "values" parameter or generative method.
     [ticket:2166] [ticket:1944]

   - [feature] Added accessor to types called "python_type",
     returns the rudimentary Python type object
     for a particular TypeEngine instance, if known,
     else raises NotImplementedError.  [ticket:77]

   - [bug] further tweak to the fix from [ticket:2261],
     so that generative methods work a bit better
     off of cloned (this is almost a non-use case though).
     In particular this allows with_only_columns()
     to behave more consistently.   Added additional
     documentation to with_only_columns() to clarify
     expected behavior, which changed as a result
     of [ticket:2261].  [ticket:2319]

- engine
  - [bug] Fixed bug whereby transaction.rollback()
    would throw an error on an invalidated 
    connection if the transaction were a 
    two-phase or savepoint transaction.
    For plain transactions, rollback() is a no-op
    if the connection is invalidated, so while
    it wasn't 100% clear if it should be a no-op,
    at least now the interface is consistent.

- schema
  - [feature] Added new support for remote "schemas":
    - MetaData() accepts "schema" and "quote_schema"
      arguments, which will be applied to the same-named
      arguments of a Table
      or Sequence which leaves these at their default
      of ``None``.
    - Sequence accepts "quote_schema" argument
    - tometadata() for Table will use the "schema"
      of the incoming MetaData for the new Table
      if the schema argument is explicitly "None"
    - Added CreateSchema and DropSchema DDL
      constructs - these accept just the string
      name of a schema and a "quote" flag.
    - When using default "schema" with MetaData,
      ForeignKey will also assume the "default" schema
      when locating remote table.  This allows the "schema"
      argument on MetaData to be applied to any 
      set of Table objects that otherwise don't have 
      a "schema".
    - a "has_schema" method has been implemented
      on dialect, but only works on Postgresql so far.
    Courtesy Manlio Perillo, [ticket:1679]

  - [feature] The "extend_existing" flag on Table
    now allows for the reflection process to take
    effect for a Table object that's already been 
    defined; when autoload=True and extend_existing=True
    are both set, the full set of columns will be
    reflected from the Table which will then 
    *overwrite* those columns already present,
    rather than no activity occurring.  Columns that
    are present directly in the autoload run
    will be used as always, however.

  - [bug] Fixed bug whereby TypeDecorator would
    return a stale value for _type_affinity, when
    using a TypeDecorator that "switches" types,
    like the CHAR/UUID type.

  - [bug] Fixed bug whereby "order_by='foreign_key'"
    option to Inspector.get_table_names 
    wasn't implementing the sort properly, replaced
    with the existing sort algorithm

  - [bug] the "name" of a column-level CHECK constraint,
    if present, is now rendered in the CREATE TABLE 
    statement using "CONSTRAINT <name> CHECK <expression>". 

- pyodbc
   - [bug] pyodbc-based dialects now parse the 
     pyodbc accurately as far as observed
     pyodbc strings, including such gems
     as "py3-3.0.1-beta4" [ticket:2318]

- postgresql
   - [bug] Postgresql dialect memoizes that an ENUM of a 
     particular name was processed
     during a create/drop sequence.  This allows
     a create/drop sequence to work without any
     calls to "checkfirst", and also means with
     "checkfirst" turned on it only needs to 
     check for the ENUM once.  [ticket:2311]

   - [feature] Added create_type constructor argument 
     to pg.ENUM.  When False, no CREATE/DROP or 
     checking for the type will be performed as part
     of a table create/drop event; only the 
     create()/drop)() methods called directly
     will do this.  Helps with Alembic "offline"

- mssql
  - [feature] lifted the restriction on SAVEPOINT
    for SQL Server.  All tests pass using it,
    it's not known if there are deeper issues
    however.   [ticket:822]

  - [bug] repaired the with_hint() feature which
    wasn't implemented correctly on MSSQL - 
    usually used for the "WITH (NOLOCK)" hint
    (which you shouldn't be using anyway ! 
    use snapshot isolation instead :) )

  - [bug] use new pyodbc version detection for
    _need_decimal_fix option, [ticket:2318]

  - [bug] don't cast "table name" as NVARCHAR
    on SQL Server 2000.  Still mostly in the dark
    what incantations are needed to make PyODBC
    work fully with FreeTDS 0.91 here, however.

  - [bug] Decode incoming values when retrieving
    list of index names and the names of columns
    within those indexes.  [ticket:2269]

- mysql
  - [bug] Unicode adjustments allow latest pymysql 
    (post 0.4) to pass 100% on Python 2.

- ext
   - [feature] Added an example to the hybrid docs
     of a "transformer" - a hybrid that returns a
     query-transforming callable in combination
     with a custom comparator.   Uses a new method
     on Query called with_transformation().  The use
     case here is fairly experimental, but only
     adds one line of code to Query.

   - [bug] the @compiles decorator raises an
     informative error message when no "default"
     compilation handler is present, rather
     than KeyError.

- examples
   - [bug] Fixed bug in history_meta.py example where
     the "unique" flag was not removed from a 
     single-table-inheritance subclass which 
     generates columns to put up onto the base.

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