On Dec 15, 2011, at 11:46 AM, Kent wrote:

> I notice no such API events as before_expunge() or after_expunge().
> Hopefully without taking much of your time, can you point me in any
> direction of how I might go about being notified when an object is
> expunged?
> Why?

If we start adding events like that, it suggests we'd be adding a few dozen 
more hooks for before_/after_ pretty much every operation in the Session, 
essentially decorating every method - before_add(), after_add(), 
before_close(), after_close(), before_expire(), after_expire(), 
before_delete(), after_delete() etc etc right ?     This would greatly clutter 
and clog the Session object and add latency.      They'd also be difficult to 
define as there are cascades which take place - do the event hooks accommodate 
just the call of the method itself or also all the objects reached by a cascade 

The existing events are specifically to intercept places in the code that 
otherwise can't be intercepted - that is, deep within a series of steps.    
Intercepting public method calls is just as easily done with custom Session 
subclass, or using wrapper code within your own application.

> There are certain states a persistent record reaches where further
> changes to it are forbidden and it becomes a "historical" record, for
> example, for accounting purposes.  For example, consider a closed
> order, shipped, paid for, done.  There are times, however, when I want
> to re-run calculations on such objects to calculate a delta for
> finances, etc.  Suppose a discount were retroactively applied to this
> order, such that you want to use existing code to rerun tax
> calculations, etc for the closed order and inspect all the changes
> without danger of it being persisted to the database.
> I am heading down the road of expunging objects that have reached this
> "archived, historical" state so that I can still use the object for
> all it's calculations and be assured that no changes will be persisted
> to the database.  (Another thought I had was using transient objects,
> but I think the end result is similar)

why not use a before_flush() extension, or similarly a 
before_insert/before_update/before_delete extension, and simply reject flush() 
calls which include such objects in the list of those to be modified ?    The 
fact is they still represent database data and will work a lot better if they 
have access to their persistent state.

> My concern is that once such an object has been expunged, I don't want
> any relationship or code or anything automatically reloading or
> refreshing it from the database with session.query().get.  

you mean, because that raises an error on a detached , or because the objects 
represent in-memory-only state that should no longer reflect database state ?

> My plan was
> to record expunged objects on the session object so I could look them
> up during reconstruct_instance() and raise an error if the same record
> is being loaded from the database that I've already expunged.

if you are going that approach I would just use a library call within your own 
app called "mark_as_historical()", which does the expunge() and also adds the 
element to the collection in question.   This is functionality in addition to 
what expunge() does.

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