Yeah, when I said 'id', I guess I really meant the primary key.

All of your arguments make perfect sense. Consider my mind change, it's better 
how it is now!

In that case, can I suggest adding a very short explanation of the order_by 
parameter here: ?
It's already being used in the examples, but it isn't mentioned in the text 
surrounding them. Although I suppose you have to try to keep things as succinct 
as possible in the ORM tutorial, or you'd end up with the entire documentation 
dumped on one page, and no one would ever get through it :)

Cameron Jackson
Engineering Intern
Air Operations
Thales Australia
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From: [] On 
Behalf Of Michael Bayer
Sent: Friday, 16 December 2011 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlalchemy] Suggestion: Should relationship's order_by parameter 
default to id?

On Dec 15, 2011, at 10:15 PM, Jackson, Cameron wrote:

I was just having a problem with a one-to-many relationship array coming out in 
the wrong order. Looking 
It wasn't too hard to figure out that I needed to do:

    myFoos = relationship(Foo, order_by =

I was a little surprised though that this isn't the default behaviour. Going by 
the results that I was getting before I fixed the problem, it looked like the 
default was in order from least to most recently modified.

So I'd like to suggest that the default beahviour be to order the array by id, 
when there is one.

Do you actually mean the string name "id" ?   Or at least the primary key of 
the related table ?   Complicating factors here include if primary key is 
composite, if the key is against a value with varied collation behaviors like a 
unicode string,  if the association is many-to-many (and thus a PK is present 
on the association table), or if sets or dicts, which are unordered, are used, 
not to mention custom collections where SQLA can't make a decision 

That said, I'm sure it would be doable. I think it would be a good improvement, 
although if it's going to be harder than I realise, it might not be worth it, 
given that it's so easy to just do it yourself manually.

It's actually not hard at all but we removed default order_bys in version 0.5 
(see implicit order by removed:   They 
introduce performance issues, complicate queries, and introduce occasional 
configurational difficulties,  and we'd prefer users to choose that they want a 
particular collection to be ordered, and to have a more streamlined and simple 
behavior in the absence of this choice, not to mention it simplifies various 
components within the internals, which are in a constant battle to remain as 
simple as possible (which is still not very simple).   SQLAlchemy overall tries 
as hard as possible to not assume anything about the design of a schema or what 
kinds of queries are most appropriate.   The Python philosophy of "explicit is 
better than implicit" is in full force here !

Note Hibernate also has no order-by on collections either unless specified:

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