May be I am wrong,
But I guess you have not used stored procedures?
If speed and performance is important along with scalability, then forget database independence and use stored procedurs. I have built a small function called execProc() which I can send you off the list.
It just makes use of the sqlalchemy's api and does not involve sessions etc.
Just a connectionless engine (which directly connects to the database ) and executes the said stored procedure. I use one instance of the engine and entire thing happens at the database side.
I just get the result proxy object with wich you can obviusly work.
I have seen a big performance bennifit and got control over memory usage at the client side because now the ready made queries are executed at the database side (postgresql) in my case and just the rows returned.
You, see the overhead of session is removed here.
Happy hacking.

On 19/12/11 04:40, Michael Bayer wrote:
On Dec 18, 2011, at 5:53 PM, rivka wrote:

So - actually investigated it thoroughly - and here are the results:

My database size on disk is 362MB and includes the main table and
multiple one to many associated tables. I am querying the main table
(which has little info in itself - mainly id, an integer value and a
string value (mostly less than 100 characters) jointly with a one to
many relationship from the main table.
I run it through ipython and the program starts from ~23MB, and toward
the very end of the query - it soars to 582MB ! And that is when the
query involves only 100000 rows out of the total of 1.2M rows in the
data base. So - I am very confused about why the memory explosion.
What occupies those 550MB of memory? surely not the data from the DB
which is probably less than 50MB total...
That explains the behavior that I have observed when attempting larger
queries - the memory explodes and the system shifts to using VM -
which is basically - working with the HD and churning memory and
caches non-stop.

I need to get control over the memory size so that I can hold a larger
query in the memory and work directly with memory.
You'd definitely need to forego using the ORM and build a very memory efficient 
datastructure that suits your needs.

it sounds like you might benefit by reorganizing your data into simple 
dictionaries and lists and just using Redis:

Since you're looking for all the data to be "in memory", you should just get it 
out of the relational database as the first step, then work with an optimized structure 
that suits your needs.  redis is designed for this use case.

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