Le 18/12/2011 19:07, Michael Bayer a écrit :

On Dec 18, 2011, at 6:29 AM, Florent Angebault wrote:


I tried many different configurations to connect to mysql5 server using 
python3.2 and sqlalchemy 0.7.4 but couldn't have success.
I always end with an error due to the fact that some string data is of type 
'bytes' instead of 'str'.

Below are 2 test cases that both fail.
The first one uses PyMySQL3-0.5 and the second one uses 
I don't know if I made mistakes with my configuration, or if it's a bug I 
should report.

If I made a mistake, I'd be glad if someone could give me a link to the 
appropriate documentation.
If it's a bug, I don't know where I should report it: sqlalchemy, 
mysqlconnector or pymysql project?

OK well take a look at supported DBs:


The only drivers supported for MySQL + Py3K are OurSQL and 
MySQL-connector/python.  In particular OurSQL runs pretty well and is on our 
continuous integration environment, with not quite all but most tests passing.
I tried oursql and had some difficulties to have it work correctly: I managed 
to compile version 0.9.2 but then I had to patch it a bit (bug #805983 that 
seems to be fixed in 0.9.3).
Version 0.9.3 for py3k is not released yet and I failed to compile it (I'm not 
familiar with those compilation things).

My locally-patched oursql-0.9.2 is currently good enough for me to continue 
When I have more time (or when I'll encounter another problem with oursql) I'll 
give another try to MySQL-connector/python.

Thanks for your help.

Florent Angebault

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