On Jan 5, 2012, at 9:57 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

> Working from the many-many example in the tutorial [1], it has an association 
> table like this:
> post_keywords = Table('post_keywords', Base.metadata,
>    Column('post_id', Integer, ForeignKey('posts.id')),
>    Column('keyword_id', Integer, ForeignKey('keywords.id'))
> )
> Normally to just empty everything from a table I'd do this:
>   session.query(BlogPost).delete()

if you use ON DELETE CASCADE on the foreign keys referred to by post_keywords, 
then those rows will delete automatically when saying query(BlogPost).delete().

if you don't have ON DELETE CASCADE set up, then you'd need to delete each 
BlogPost individually:

for post in query(BlogPost):

or otherwise remove the associations to each keyword.

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