On Jan 11, 2012, at 7:54 PM, Mason wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been looking at the group archive and googling around a bit,
> but it seems like if I want to do insert to table if row doesn't
> exist, otherwise update a field in the row is not really possible.  I
> end up doing something like below.
>    def _add_index(self, src_id, tar_id):
>        row = self.session.query(Index).filter(Index.src_id==src_id).\
>                filter(Index.tar_id==tar_id).first()
>        if row:
>            row.new += 1
>            row.total += 1
>        else:
>            row = Index(src_id, tar_id, 1, 1, 0)
>        self.session.add(row)
>        self.session.commit()
>        return
> This doesn't look very efficient, is there a better way to do this?  I
> have been looking at merge(), but that looks like it is for merging
> uncommitted transactions in the session before committing to the db.
> Is this correct?

merge() is not the same thing as the MERGE statement in ANSI SQL, which is what 
people are often looking for here - though it does have a similar use.

SQLAlchemy doesn't have direct support for SQL MERGE, as the support by 
different databases is minimal and also varies considerably in implementation.  
  Particularly the ORM is tailored towards a straightforward 
SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE model and even when we do get support for a MERGE-like 
statement, getting the ORM to use it might not be possible without major 
changes to underlying assumptions.

So typically when doing lots of insert/update decisions, the most efficient 
way, though not always possible, is to SELECT from the target table ahead of 
time all those records that you might be updating, typically into a dictionary 
keyed to the criteria that you intend to locate them on.    You then check this 
dictionary for each target key which allows you to decide if you're add()-ing a 
new instance to be INSERTed, or updating an existing instance.

The less efficient way is more or less what you have there, though you can 
still use a cache to minimize repeat lookups.  

A recipe which illustrates a way to embed this feature in the object's 
constructor  is at  
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/UniqueObject .

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