I am relatively new both to python and to sqlalchemy. I am a hobbiest, trying to learn this for fun. Have been using a Sunday tea rota as a simple project by which to learn the rudiments of sqla. The rota consists of 16 people and the number of days on which tea is offered amounts to 47. Although I realised that using sqla for such a thing is like using a sledge-hammer to crack a nut, I thought it would help me to learn. My input data is in the form of a .csv file, whose records have two fields: the date, expressed in the form "yy-mm-dd" and the name of the volunteer. I show below the basic script that I have been trying to construct with various bits of help along the way. As my attempts so far have not been entirely successful, I am now wondering if I need an m-m rather than an m-1? If anyone can show me where I am going wrong, I would be most grateful, as I am feeling somewhat discouraged. The csv file content is shown below the script. I know that it is very trivial and basic compared to what I see being discussed here but I would appreciate help. Thanks!

#!/usr/bin/env python

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, relationship, mapper, backref, subqueryload
import cgi
import csv
#import cgitb; cgitb.enable()  # for troubleshooting

print "Content-type: text/html"
reader = csv.reader(open("cpc_tea2012.csv", "rb"))
# initialise storage lists
volunteers      = {} #volunteers
duties          = {} #duties

# Set up the database.
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///teapot.db', echo=False)
Base = declarative_base(bind=engine)
Session = (sessionmaker(engine))

class Volunteer(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'volunteers'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    fore = Column(String)
    surn = Column(String)
    name = Column(String)
    dates = association_proxy('duties', 'date')

class Duty(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'duties'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    date = Column(String)

    volunteer_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('volunteers.id'))
    volunteer = relationship('Volunteer', backref=backref('duties'))

session = Session()

for row in reader:
    date = row[0]
    name = row[1].strip()
    (fore, surn) = name.split(' ')

    if date not in duties:
        duty = Duty(date=date)
    duties[date] = duty

    if name not in volunteers:
        volunteer = Volunteer(fore=fore, surn=surn, name=name)
    volunteers[name] = volunteer


'''This gives the correct output of 47 dates'''
#for x, duties in enumerate(session.query(Duty).order_by(Duty.date)):
#    print x+1, duties.date
#    print

'''This prints 8 people out of the sixteen'''
#for x, volunteers in enumerate(session.query(Volunteer).join(Volunteer.duties).order_by(Volunteer.surn)):
#    print x+1, volunteers.fore,volunteers.surn

'''This gives 16 names but 1 or 0 dates for each person. There should be about 4 or 5, or so, per person''' for person in session.query(Volunteer).options(subqueryload(Volunteer.duties)):
    print person.name
    for d in person.duties:
        print d.date

The .csv data is as shown below

2012-01-08,Jane MacKay
2012-01-08,Morag Gordon
2012-01-15,Gail Monteith
2012-01-15,Irene Mailer
2012-01-22,Margaret Barclay
2012-01-22,Jean Gray
2012-01-29,Sybil Baxter
2012-01-29,Marie Morrison
2012-02-12,Liz MacMillan
2012-02-12,Ruth Haining
2012-02-19,Anne Noble
2012-02-19,Audrey Thomson
2012-02-26,Liz Kerr
2012-02-26,Elaine Butler
2012-03-04,Moyra Noble
2012-03-04,Elizabeth Batchelor
2012-03-11,Irene Mailer
2012-03-11,Margaret Barclay
2012-03-18,Jean Gray
2012-03-18,Gail Monteith
2012-03-25,Marie Morrison
2012-03-25,Jane MacKay
2012-04-01,Liz MacMillan
2012-04-01,Sybil Baxter
2012-04-08,Ruth Haining
2012-04-08,Anne Noble
2012-04-15,Audrey Thomson
2012-04-15,Morag Gordon
2012-04-22,Moyra Noble
2012-04-22,Elaine Butler
2012-04-29,Liz Kerr
2012-04-29,Elizabeth Batchelor
2012-05-06,Margaret Barclay
2012-05-06,Marie Morrison
2012-05-13,Gail Monteith
2012-05-13,Liz MacMillan
2012-05-20,Jane MacKay
2012-05-20,Jean Gray
2012-05-27,Sybil Baxter
2012-05-27,Irene Mailer
2012-06-10,Anne Noble
2012-06-10,Elaine Butler
2012-06-17,Elizabeth Batchelor
2012-06-17,Audrey Thomson
2012-06-24,Ruth Haining
2012-06-24,Liz Kerr
2012-07-01,Morag Gordon
2012-07-01,Moyra Noble
2012-07-08,Marie Morrison
2012-07-08,Gail Monteith
2012-07-15,Irene Mailer
2012-07-15,Sybil Baxter
2012-07-22,Liz MacMillan
2012-07-22,Margaret Barclay
2012-07-29,Morag Gordon
2012-07-29,Elizabeth Batchelor
2012-08-05,Elaine Butler
2012-08-05,Jane MacKay
2012-08-12,Ruth Haining
2012-08-12,Jean Gray
2012-08-19,Anne Noble
2012-08-19,Liz Kerr
2012-08-26,Moyra Noble
2012-08-26,Audrey Thomson
2012-09-02,Gail Monteith
2012-09-02,Margaret Barclay
2012-09-09,Irene Mailer
2012-09-09,Marie Morrison
2012-09-16,Jean Gray
2012-09-16,Sybil Baxter
2012-09-23,Morag Gordon
2012-09-23,Jane MacKay
2012-09-30,Elizabeth Batchelor
2012-09-30,Anne Noble
2012-10-14,Liz Kerr
2012-10-14,Liz MacMillan
2012-10-21,Audrey Thomson
2012-10-21,Ruth Haining
2012-10-28,Elaine Butler
2012-10-28,Moyra Noble
2012-11-04,Sybil Baxter
2012-11-04,Gail Monteith
2012-11-11,Margaret Barclay
2012-11-11,Morag Gordon
2012-11-18,Marie Morrison
2012-11-18,Anne Noble
2012-11-25,Elizabeth Batchelor
2012-11-25,Irene Mailer
2012-12-02,Jean Gray
2012-12-02,Liz MacMillan
2012-12-09,Audrey Thomson
2012-12-09,Liz Kerr
2012-12-16,Elaine Butler
2012-12-16,Ruth Haining

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