On Jan 16, 2012, at 7:35 AM, Pierre Bossé wrote:

> Hello,
> Here is my problem:
> I would define a domain of values ​​for a table field. Some values ​​
> have accented characters (non-ASCII character).
> When generating the DDL for Elixir, a conversion is made on the
> values ​​provided by the accented characters and no longer.
> Here is my test code:
> ============================================================
> # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
> from elixir import *
> class TestEnum(Entity):
>    myEnum = Field(Unicode(100),\
>         Enum(u'avec é',
>              u'avec è',
>              u'avec à'),\
>         colname='MY_ENUM')
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>    metadata.bind = 'oracle://..:..@..'
>    metadata.bind.echo = True
>    setup_all()
>    drop_all()
>    create_all()
> ============================================================
> Here is the generated DDL:
> ============================================================
> CREATE TABLE "__main___testenum" (
>    "MY_ENUM" NVARCHAR2(100),
>    PRIMARY KEY (id),
>    CHECK ("MY_ENUM" IN ('avec é', 'avec è', 'avec à '))
> )

I would gather that iso-8859-1 is not an adequate encoding here, even though it 
does seem to preserve round trips with these characters, making this very 
confusing.   The issue reproduces with SQLite, and SQLAlchemy doesn't do 
anything with the string - doesn't encode it or decode it.     If you change 
the encoding of the program to utf-8 it works.   

That this produces "?" implies that iso-8859-1 isn't good enough here:

# -*- coding: utf-8-*-

x = u'avec é'

print x.encode('iso-8859-1')

this test, however, produces the garbled character, which also implies 8859 
isn't good enough because the source encoding of the program isn't capturing 
the text correctly:

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1-*-

x = u'avec é'

print x.encode('utf-8')

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