Didn't see an answer to this in the discussions.
I have:
1. slqlchemy 0.7.3, cherrypy and mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.18, for

2. a cherry py application that initializes the scoped session as:
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))

3a. Passes that Session instance into a background worker thread.
3b. Passes that Session instance into the Request processing objects
that handle the http requests.

4. in the run() method of that background thread (3a) it issues:
session_obj = passed_in_session_object()  # passed_in_session_object
came in from the main from step 3a.
#this session_obj is used for SELECT's against the db
wakes up every minute and does SELECTS to see if the http handler from
5 (below) has written any objects to the db.

5. in the request processing code that handles the http requests it
also creates a thread specific session object similar to step 4 above
session_obj = passed_in_session_object()
performs CREATE's of db rows that should be seen by the background
worker thread in step 4

The trouble is the records get written to the db but the SELECT stmts
that run on background thread in #4 get 0 results for records that are
in the db.
However if for test purposes I issue a SELECT in the http handling
code after the object has been CREATE'd and the session has been
commit'ed I can see the object.

Am I doing this wrong?


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