I think I understand why, during a flush(), if I use session.query().get() for an item that was just added during this flush, I don't get the persistent object I might expect because the session still has it as pending even though, logically, it is already persistent.

I don't suppose you have any desire to support that, huh? The use case would be related to the future ticket http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/1939 (and http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/2350).

Attached is a script demonstrating the issue I've hit. I can work around it with some difficulty, but I wanted your input and thoughts.


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# Show what happens when we use session.query().get()
# during a flush to load an object that is being inserted during the same flush
# Instead of getting what was the pending object, we get a new copy of what 
# the orm thinks is persistent and then it is detached after the flush finishes

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.orm.util import has_identity

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///', echo=True)
metadata = MetaData(engine)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

rocks_table = Table("rocks", metadata,
    Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),

bugs_table = Table("bugs", metadata,
    Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column("rockid", Integer, ForeignKey('rocks.id'),),

class Rock(object):
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Rock@%d: id=[%s] in session:[%s] has_identity[%s]>' % (id(self), self.__dict__.get('id'), self in session, has_identity(self))
class Bug(object):
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Bug@%d: id=[%s] rockid[%s] with rock[%s]>' % (id(self), self.__dict__.get('id'), self.__dict__.get('rockid'), self.__dict__.get('rock','not set'))

class BugAgent(MapperExtension):
    def before_update(self, mapper, connection, instance):
        assert 'rock' not in instance.__dict__
        print "\n\n**** during flush"
        # after http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/2350, we could just reference like this:
        instance.rock = session.query(Rock).get(instance.rockid)
        # we just loaded a Rock that was just inserted during this flush, so
        # it looks persistent to the orm, but the orm also has this object
        # already (still pending).  After the flush is done,
        # the pending object will be the only one in the session and the 
        # object we just loaded here will be removed from the session (detached)
        print "\n\n*****before_update: %r\n" % instance
        assert 'rock' in instance.__dict__

mapper(Rock, rocks_table,
    properties={'bugs': relationship(Bug,

mapper(Bug, bugs_table, extension=BugAgent())

@event.listens_for(Bug.rockid, 'set')
def autoexpire_rock_attribute(instance, value, oldvalue, initiator):
    if value != oldvalue:
        if instance in session and has_identity(instance):
            assert 'rock' in instance.__dict__
            print "\n\n****Bug.rockid changing from [%s] to [%s]..." % (oldvalue, value)
            print "******about to expire rock for %r" % instance
            session.expire(instance, ['rock'])
            print "******expired rock for %r\n" % instance
            assert 'rock' not in instance.__dict__


session = Session()

# add a rock and bug
rock.id = 0
bug.id = 0


# later... new session
session = Session()

b1 = Bug()
b1.id = 0

rock.id = 1

print "\n\n****merge start\n"
merged = session.merge(rock)
print "\n\n****merge end\n"
print "****flush\n"

assert 'rock' in merged.bugs[0].__dict__

# show that the pending object has become persistent
print "\n\nsession's pending obj turned persistent:                         %r" % session.query(Rock).get(1)

# show that the object we loaded has been detached from the session
print 'merged.bugs[0].rock (copy of same object, no longer in session): %r' % merged.bugs[0].rock

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