On Feb 1, 2012, at 11:14 AM, Thijs Engels wrote:

> In short; the Area class has a multi-column primary key (sesseion_id,
> area_id). I am trying to create the relationship for area in the Child
> class, however this would need the session_id which can be found in the
> parent class. This was my last effort (again assuming I could treat the
> parent class as a association proxy):
>    area = relationship(
>        'Area',
>        secondary='parents',
>        primaryjoin='children.c.parent_id==parents.c.id',
>        secondaryjoin='and_(parents.c.session_id==areas.c.session_id,
>        children.c.area_id==areas.c.id)',
>        viewonly=True
>    )
> No able to figure out any foreign key relations if those would be
> required.
> Any help and/or insight would be appreciated,

it's not very streamlined but a blunt approach using EXISTS seems to work:

class Child(Base):
   __tablename__ = 'children'
   id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
   parent_id = Column(Integer,  ForeignKey('parents.id'))
   area_id = Column(Integer)

   area = relationship(Area, foreign_keys=area_id, 
                                (Parent.session_id==Area.session_id) & 

There's two ways to navigate from Child to Area.   What does it mean for 
Child.area_id to have a value that doesn't match on 
Child.parent_id->Parent.session_id->Area.session_id ?  Is that essentially 
corrupt data ?    That there's two ways to navigate implies that there are 
essentially two different relationships to Area - one is the straight 
relationship() on FK.  The other is a long association proxy across 
Parent->Session->Area.   Then the "area" you're looking for here is the 
intersection of those two.   The primaryjoin we have above is basically doing 
the same thing in SQL, though if I wanted to be able to get at Child->Area in 
both ways independently I might build it out as the two relationships.  If 
there's no need for two different ways to navigate from Child->Area, that only 
points out how this relational design is wrong - it's capable of storing 
corrupt data.   Child.area_id might be just a denormalized "shortcut" to the 
longer chain across Parent.

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