Hello all,
I have an interesting problem for which I am sure some simple solution must be existing.
I have made a Python function which I will paist below.
Basically what the function does is that it takes 3 parameters, namely the name of a stored procedure, engine instance and a set of parameters. This function is used to make calls to postgresql based stored procedures in a modular way. The function is kept central and all my modules just pass the necessary parameters and leave it to the function to do the rest. I got it working perfectly, except that I don't know how to handle special characters when constructing the query that makes a call to a stored procedure. So if I have an insert query which has a value with a single quote ('), it crashes. As you will observe in the function, it takes the arguements from a list called queryParams and constructs that part of the query that takes input arguements for inserts or for the where clause during select etc. So in those input parameters if any special character appears, the said stored procedure naturally fails.
following is the exact function.
Some one please point me out what the fundamental mistake is and probably send in a corrected version.

def execproc(procname, engine, queryParams=[]):
    """ Purpose:
    executes a named stored procedure and returns the result.
Function takes 3 parameters, procname is a string containing the name of the stored procedure. engine is the sqlalchemy engine instance through which the query will be executed.
    queryParams contains the input parameters in a list form (if any).
First it starts building a query string that commonly begins with the common select * from syntax that is needed for calling a stored procedure. The code then goes to check if one or more parameters are supplied. If yes then
    a for loops runs that concatinate the parameters inside ()
During this process it checks the datatype of each supplied parameter to stringify any parameter or keep it as integer.
    This is done using the %s, %d and %f place holders.
After the query is built using the user input that consisted of the proc name and parames, it executes the same using the supplied engine instance. The result of the execution contains the rows returned by the stored procedure that was called.
    listCounter = 0
    if len(queryParams) == 0:
        queryString = "select * from %s() " % (procname)
        queryString = "select * from %s(" % (procname)
        for param in queryParams:
            if type(param) == str:
                queryString = queryString + "'%s'" % (param)
            if type(param) == int:
                queryString = queryString + "%d" % (param)
            if type(param) == float:
                queryString = queryString + "%.2f" % (param)
            if type(param) == NoneType:
                queryString = queryString + "None"
            if listCounter < (len(queryParams) - 1):
                queryString = queryString + ","
            listCounter = listCounter + 1
        queryString = queryString + ")"
        print queryString
res = engine.execute(text(queryString).execution_options(autocommit=True))
    return res

Thanks for help in advance.
Happy hacking.

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