Yep, they are the same class (i don't create any class of which i
don't have the superclass yet).

Thanks for your help; on to the next bug ...

On Feb 23, 5:32 pm, Michael Bayer <> wrote:
> On Feb 23, 2012, at 10:47 AM, lars van gemerden wrote:
> > OK, thanks, the order wasn't the problem, I am using this for the
> > initialization of my classes:
> >    dicty= {'__tablename__': name,
> >           'id': Column(Integer, ForeignKey(basename + '.id'),
> > primary_key = True),
> >           '__mapper_args__': {'polymorphic_identity': name,
> > 'inherit_condition': (id == classes[basename].id)}}
> > and as you said 'id' in the last line refers to the id() function. I
> > think I fixed it by changing the code to:
> >    id_ = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(basename + '.id'), primary_key =
> > True)
> >    out = {'__tablename__': name,
> >           'id': id_,
> >           '__mapper_args__': {'polymorphic_identity': name,
> > 'inherit_condition': (id_ == classes[basename].id)}}
> > But I am getting a (maybe unrelated) error. Should this solution work?
> that approach seems fine though classes[basename] must be already 
> established, I might pull it just from the superclass that you're passing 
> into type().

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