On Feb 26, 2012, at 12:47 PM, lars van gemerden wrote:

> I was wrong, the method emptied the database, but I was checking the
> tables in the metadata.
> This time I am also removing the tables from the metadata, but if i
> generate the same tables in two separate test methods (with a call to
> tearDown ans setUp in between), I still get an error about a backref
> name on a relationship already existing.

OK I think you're mixing concepts up here, a backref is an ORM concept.  The 
Table and Metadata objects are part of Core and know absolutely nothing about 
the ORM or mappings.    Removing a Table from a particular MetaData has almost 
no effect as all the ORM mappings still point to it.  In reality the 
MetaData.remove() method is mostly useless, except that a create_all() will no 
longer hit that Table, foreign key references will no longer find it, and you 
can replace it with a new Table object of the same name, but again nothing to 
do with the ORM and nothing to do with the state of that removed Table, which 
still points to that MetaData and will otherwise function normally.

If you want to remove mappings, you can call clear_mappers().  The use case for 
removing individual mappers is not supported as there is no support for doing 
all the reverse bookkeeping of removing relationships(), backrefs, and 
inheritance structures, and there's really no need for such a feature.

Like MetaData.remove(), there's almost no real world use case for 
clear_mappers() except that of the SQLAlchemy unit tests themselves, or tests 
of other ORM-integration layers like Elixir, which are testing the ORM itself 
with various kinds of mappings against the same set of classes.

Unit tests in an outside world application would normally be against a schema 
that's an integral part of the application, and doesn't change with regards to 
classes.   There's virtually no reason in normal applications against a fixed 
schema to tear down mappings and table metadata between tests.    SQLAlchemy 
docs stress the Declarative pattern very much these days as we're really trying 
to get it across that the composition of class, table metadata, and mapping is 
best regarded as an atomic structure - it exists only as that composite, or not 
at all.   Breaking it apart has little use unless you're testing the mechanics 
of the mapping itself.

Throughout all of this, we are *not* talking about the tables and schema that 
are in the actual database.   It is typical that unit tests do drop all those 
tables in between test suites, and recreate them for another test suite.    
Though I tend to favor not actually dropping / recreating and instead running 
the tests within a transaction that's rolled back at the end as it's much more 
efficient, especially on backends like Oracle, Postgresql, MSSQL where 
creates/drops are more expensive.   Dropping and recreating the tables in the 
database though is independent of the structure represented by Metadata/Table, 
though, that structure lives on and can be reused.    Metadata/Table describes 
only the *structure* of a particular schema.   They are not linked to the 
actual *presence* of those tables within a target schema.

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