Hi all,

I was wondering if there is some kind of security announcements mailing list or anything where we could be informed of security issues directly from the horse's mouth? :) I did join the mailing list after 0.7.0 was released so I can't tell if this particular issue was mentioned, a quick google search of the group archives suggests it was not.

While this does not affect me because my apps use 0.7.5, I've just learned today, through CentOS/RH updates, about SQL injection vulnerability in versions prior to 0.7.0b wrt LIMIT and OFFSET clauses not being sanitized.


The SQLA changelog does mention this:

The limit/offset keywords to select() as well
    as the value passed to select.limit()/offset()
    will be coerced to integer.  [ticket:2116]
    (also in 0.6.7)

I do read changelogs when I install/upgrade, but not coercing values is not the same as allowing SQL injection, ie. if string param was used, it should be properly escaped / bound, no? So this particular entry did not alarm me, especially since I always manually coerce integer input params to ints, a habit I developed in my PHP days.

Looking through the patches I see integer_or_raise() was added to SQL expressions (and utils) which is great, and I'm not sure whether Postgresql dialect had the same vuln as the mentioned Oracle dialect (in ticket 2116), as I'm using Postgres exclusively, and I'm not sure where to even begin looking.

Still, I wonder if there are more holes? Not a critique, just an honest question: I thought SQLA always used binding?



.oO V Oo.

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