On Mar 15, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

>> And here is my best attempt at doing the same thing in sqlalchemy:
>> Job_A = aliased(Job)
>> DBSession.query(Job_A).join(DataContainer).filter(~ 
>> DataContainer.jobs.any(Job.id < Job_A.id)).all()
> any_query = exists().where(Job_A.container_id==DataContainer.id).\
>                                    where(Job_A.id<Job.id).\
>                                    correlate(Job.__table__).\
>                                    correlate(DataContainer.__table__)
> where similarly, the need to say __table__ will also be fixed in 0.8, you'll 
> be able to say things like correlate(Job).

this works too, to get what you were trying to do in the original:

q = session.query(Job_A).join(DataContainer).\

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