Hey all,

SQLAlchemy is looking to get involved in this year's Google Summer of Code[1].

We'd like to encourage students to visit our GSoC page on the wiki[2] and 
review some of the project ideas we've posted.

We're also looking for more backup mentors, if anyone is interested, please 
contact me (we really could use at least one more)!

Please feel free to suggest other GSoC project ideas if you happen to think of 

If you'd like to chat directly about anything, I recommend jumping on IRC 
(irc.freenode.net #sqlalchemy-devel).

[1] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2012
[2] http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/GoogleSummerOfCode

Philip Jenvey

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