While I was writing up a many-to-many relationship between tables
where one has a composite primary key, I ran into problems that
initially prompted me to start writing this post.

Here's my original code that was giving the confusing error about
which I originally began writing:

class AccountSyncedContact(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'account_synced_contact'

    account_name = Column(String(128),
ForeignKey('account.account_name'), primary_key=True)
    contact_id   = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('contact.id'),
    contact = relationship('ZKContact', lazy='joined')
    groups = relationship('ZKGroup',

class Group(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'group'

    id          = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name        = Column(String(128), nullable=False, unique=True)
    service     = Column(String(128), nullable=False)
    list_name   = Column(String(128), nullable=False)
    description = Column(String(512), nullable=True)

account_synced_contact_group = Table('account_synced_contact_group',
    Column('account_name', String(128), primary_key=True),
    Column('contact_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('group_id', Integer, ForeignKey('group.id'),
    ForeignKeyConstraint(['account_name', 'contact_id'],
['account.account_name', 'contact.id'], name="acs_fk")

>From this code, I'd get this exception:
InvalidRequestError: One or more mappers failed to initialize - can't
proceed with initialization of other mappers.  Original exception was:
Could not determine join condition between parent/child tables on
relationship AccountSyncedContact.groups.  Specify a 'primaryjoin'
expression.  If 'secondary' is present, 'secondaryjoin' is needed as

At first, this confused me, because I thought that setting up the
ForeignKeyConstraint like I had would let SQLAlchemy know how I meant
to relate the three tables.

However, I didn't notice until some time later that there's a serious
bug in my ForeignKeyConstraint definition: the 'refcolumns' argument
isn't referring to columns within the same table.  Rather than
['account.account_name', 'contact.id'], it should have been

Considering that the docs for refcolumns specifically state that "The
columns must all be located within the same Table," I believe that
SQLAlchemy should have thrown an exception for *that*, rather than for
it being unable to figure out the primaryjoin condition.

I figure that the reason it didn't throw an exception is because I
*have* defined an 'account' table with a pk called 'account_id', and a
'contact' table with an 'id' column. So SQLAlchemy may have found
those columns and figured it was OK.

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