On Apr 4, 2012, at 10:21 AM, Borax wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using SQLAlchemy 0.7.5 in a web application accessing several tables 
> containing between 2.5 and 3.5 millions records; these tables are indexed 
> correctly.
> Database is Oracle 10g (release
> My problem is quite simple : when querying the database through SQLAlchemy 
> (via "session.query(MyClass).filter(...)"), the execution plan (when using 
> indexed criterias) doesn't use table indexes but does a full scan which takes 
> between 10 and 15 seconds; when querying the database through a simple SQL 
> query (in Tora for example), indexes are normaly used and the result is 
> immediate.
> I tried to play in SQLAlchemy with optimizer modes and hints, but it doesn't 
> change anything.
> Any idea ?

this all comes down to the nature of the SQL being emitted.

what is the SQL being emitted by SQLAlchemy in this case, and what is the SQL 
that should be emitted ?  Working with SQLAlchemy in a non-trivial way implies 
you're using echo=True or otherwise logging queries during development, and are 
watching what it does at every step - this is how you tune your app essentially.

The ORM is pretty open ended as to how the ultimate SQL query can be 
structured.  You'd want to identify exactly how the structure needs to be in 
raw SQL, then make sure the ORM query is structured in the same way.

If there's truly some odd artifact about the indexable SQL that the ORM just 
won't do, we can look into using literal expressions for parts of the query, 
though typically the Oracle indexing quirks are over things like which table 
comes first in the FROM list or what kinds of comparisons are being used 
between values, these things can be controlled.

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